Recent & Current Projects
UPDATED 07/2022
As of Spring 2022, I have become a graduate from California State University, Monterey Bay with my B.A. in Visual & Public Arts as well as a minor in Japanese Language and Culture. Here are a few of the most recent projects I have worked on during that time:

MAY 2022
CSUMB Senior Capstone, Visual & Public Art Exhibition
As part of my senior graduation exhibition, I successfully proposed, created, and installed a series of artworks fulfilling the CSUMB Visual & Public Art graduation requirements. This set of mixed-media artworks are dedicated to mental health awareness with the intention of spreading positivity across the campus community through the mental health practices of self-affirmations, the meditation known as "flower breathing", and the practice of finding comfort in everday life.
California State University Monterey Bay
WLC Festival of Languages and Cultures, "Voices Together: Reuniting and Rebuilding Communities
Developed custom design to celebrate the CSUMB World Language Department’s Festival of Language & Culture
Hosted screen printing workshop to print custom t-shirts for festival guests

Fall 2021
At-home COVID Exhibition
As part of an COVID pandemic project amongst peers in my graduating cohort, we created our own at-home exhibition to prepare ourselves for the return to campus and our upcoming Capstone exhibition.